Simple Sliding Knot Bracelet

by alisha145 in Craft > Jewelry

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Simple Sliding Knot Bracelet

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Hi Everyone!  Ready for something quick and easy? In this Instructable, we will make a

Simple Sliding Knot Bracelet with an Antique African Coin

This bracelet is totally adjustable and can fit just about every wrist, depending on how much cord or string you use.

Materials Used

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For this project, we used 

One Yard of Leather Cord

One Antique African Coin 


Step One

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Okay, now that you have all the goods, you want to take your yard of string or cord and fold it right in half and cut it.

Take one strand of your cut cord and fold it in half again, making a simple bend at the top ( Important: do not cut this half)

Take the bend you just made and pass it through the center of the coin, like zis--

Step Two

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Loop the dangling strands through the big loop you just created by bending it in half

Step Three

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Now pull tight! (but don't pull so hard you break your cord. I've done it too many times)

Once one side is snug and fit into place, take the second strand and do the same thing on the opposite side of the coin.

It should look something like this!

Step Four

Great! you're lookin' good. The next step is going to be knotting the two (now four after folding them) strands of cord to each other

to create the sliding knot element of this sliding knot bracelet.

This part was tricky to explain in photographs so I just drew it out...

Basically, take both strands of one side and wrap it around the other strands of the other side at least 3 times

Step Five

This should create a small tunnel of loops around one side of cord.

Now, take the end of the two strands of one side that is wrapped around and lead it through that tunnel

Like This:

Step Six

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Got that?

Now pull it tight, but again, don't use your lion strength, we don't want to break the cord or we'll have to start all over again.

Do it again on the other side and it will look something like this- (about 4 strands in a cute little knot)


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Now pull it gently on each side to ensure your knots are not too tight and your sliding knot bracelet can in fact slide.

If it does, congratulations it is complete!

Now go give it to someone you have a crush on cause it's

totally gender neutral and anyone who is anyone would want to wear something you made ;D
