Simple Pallet Compost Bin

by urbanpirate in Living > Gardening

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Simple Pallet Compost Bin


Want a compost bin? got 20 minutes a hammer and a box of nails? It's so easy I made it work.

Find Some Pallets


Scavenge a few pallets. It's easy, they're everywhere. You will need three for this project but it's always nice to have spares on hand.

Attach Pallets to Other Pallets


Position your pallets so that they resemble a u shape. The two you are using for the sides should be in front of the other. nail them together. Yeah that board is split, it's a box to rot yard waste in split boards are fine.

Brace Yo Compost Bin


After nailing (or screwing if you're fancy like that ) the three pallets together grab a couple longish pieces of scrap wood. Attach them to the outside of the bin. Use nails or screws driven at a 90 degree angle to those you used to attach the three pallets together.

Throw Your Compost in Da Bin


your compost bin is now ready for leaves, kitchen scraps, garden waste and such.