Simple Lamp on the LED Strips.
After spending 1 night and a small number of components can be made just such a nice lamp.
Сomponents Used
I used:
DC adapter 5V 2A
- Attiny85 Digispark
- 2 m 5V WS2801 RGB LED Strip 32LEDs/M Addressable
Empty plastic bottle 2L
Glass flower vase
In a plastic bottle that I cut off the neck. At the bottom (near the bottom) cut a small hole approximately
2x3 sm.
Then, starting from the hole, the spiral belt pasted onto the bottle.
Soldered module and power jack. Module (pre-loaded software) slipped into the hole.
The whole structure covered vase, turning it upside down.
Connect the AC adapter and voila.
Driving and Code.
Pin 2 Attiny - clock. Pin 3 - serial data.
I got 64 LEDs.
The program includes several illumination options. They are selected at random.
Fantasy I only lasted for a small amount. Attigny volume of memory allows you to record the same amount.
Strip_Colors - an array of 64 x 24-bit numbers.
The array is populated with data (RGB color LED for each) and then transferred to the tape.
When transferred last byte, tape ignited.
Code attached.