Simple Jewelry Display

by linnea_a in Craft > Jewelry

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Simple Jewelry Display


Some time ago, I received a necklace from a now deceased relative. The necklace is very dear to me, but as it is too fragile to wear, it ended up in a drawer. Here is how a made a display for it, and for some other jewelry.

For this project I used:

  • Picture frames
  • Bulletin board and pins
  • Hair pins
  • Acrylic paint
  • Tape
  • Cardboard

Some Frames and Some Hooks


I started by getting some old picture frames from a second hand store. I got two small frames, one slightly larger, and one large bulletin board.

The bulletin board was by far the easiest to work with, as it was made of cork. All I did was paint it and stick some pins in it. Done.

The picture frames where slightly more involved. I removed and discarded the glass and cut some cardboard the same size as the glass, then I painted the cardboard, and the frames.

I could not find any hooks that were small enough so I took some hair pins and bent them to my will. I cut some thin slits in the cardboard and pushed the hooks through and taped them to the back of the cardboard, as seen in the pictures.

Earring Holder


To hold earrings I cut up an old ring notebook. The front and the back were made out of card stock, solid enough to carry some weight without being to thick. I cut it to size and used binder clips and pins to hold it to the cardboard back of the frame.

The Results


Finally, I hung the frames on the walls next to my main mirror so that I can easily see them. I am quite happy with the results, though in retrospect I wish I had been more careful when painting the cardboard. Or maybe I should have bought some nice scrap booking paper to line it with.

This was a very cheap project, as I mostly used material I already had at home, the only thing I bought specifically for this were the frames and the bulletin board.

Thank you for reading and I hope this inspires you!