Simple House Design in 123D Design

by 2024chikhliker.nikhil in Workshop > 3D Design

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Simple House Design in 123D Design

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This will be a tutorial on how to make a simple model house on 123D Design. Just follow the steps and you'll have yourself a model house in no time!

The Base


Create a rectangular box however big you need it or want it. You can hollow it out to use less filament if you want.

The Roof


Create a stair-like structure for the roof and repeat on the other side.

Combining the Roof Components


Connect the 2 sides of the roof with a rectangular block.


Fill in the sides of the roof with rectangular blocks and you can add a window if needed or wanted.

Preparing for the Door


Make an incision in the door using the subtract tool.

Finished Product

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Add the door and a little handle and you're done! Happy Printing!