Simple Cardboard House Tissue Box!! (In Five Steps!)

by LVcrafty in Craft > Cardboard

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Simple Cardboard House Tissue Box!! (In Five Steps!)


I made this adorable tissue box when I was feeling board one day!! I was looking at the ordinary tissue box sitting on the coffee table, and it gave me an idea! Why not give the regular tissue box a twist! I did some research about what to turn my tissue box into and eventually stumbled upon a cute house-shaped tissue box! I loved the idea but didn’t want to pay the price for the house tissue box! So, I decided to create my own!! When I had finished up my project, I was so excited with my creation! I think this tissue box is super cute and charming and I think you will really enjoy making it! It is a perfect craft for all ages!



For this project you will need scissors or a knife, pen, ruler, hot glue gun or regular glue, hot glue works best, and 2 tissue boxes: one that does not contain tissues and will be used as the base of the design and a tissue box that will not be harmed and will be put into the finished tissue box at the end! Using a second tissue box is optional since it is really up to you if you want to use your final product!

Cutting Out Cardboard Pieces


First, heat up your hot glue gun. Next, make sure that you have cut off a bit of the top of the tissue box that does not have tissues in it. Also, make sure that you have fully cut off the bottom of your empty tissue box! You can set aside the tissue box full of tissues for now. Then, get a small piece of cardboard and measure amount 5 inches long and 4 and a half inches tall. Look at the picture above for the piece of cardboard you should cut out. After you have finished cutting out the piece, bend the piece of cardboard in half. Finally, cut a hole in the piece of cardboard that is 1 and a half inches long on all sides. It does not matter which side of the roof you cut the hole on, but make sure that it is a half an inch from the edge of the roof. This small hole that you cut out will be the opening of the chimney where your tissues will come out of. The piece of cardboard that you have just cut out is the roof.

Cutting Out More Cardboard Pieces!


The second step is to cut out the triangles that will hold up the roof. You will have to make two triangles. The bottom of the triangles will be about 4 inches long and the two sides of the triangle will be about 3 inches long. Look at the picture above for a glimpse of the triangles. Make sure that they are about 1 inch and a half down the middle. Remember to make two of these! Once you have cut these out, set them aside! Next, we will create the sides of the chimney! For this you will need to look at the pictures above because there are many measurements and it make be confusing. A picture will help you understand the measurements better. Each side of the chimney has a number on it, If you look at the mini picture of the chimney, the sides are also labeled, this will help you to figure out which sides are which. After you have made the measurements for these shapes, cut them out and try to remember the number of each shape, because we will use it for assembly later on! Also, remember that pieces 3 and 4 are the same shape, so you must cut out two of the same shape!



For this part we will assemble the pieces of your tissue box with a glue stick or a hot glue gun. First, take one of the triangles and hot glue it to the edge of your roof. Then, hot glue one edge of your roof to the tissue box. Look at the picture above for these few steps. Next, hot glue the other triangle parallel to the first triangle on the edge. Finally, glue down all 3 sides of your roof: the side with the triangles and the last side without a triangle. You have just installed the roof of your house! Next, we will attach the chimney! First, take piece 1 aka the small rectangular piece and glue it to the far right side of your chimney square you’ve cut out. Make sure that the sides stick out of the house! Glue pieces 2 and 3 parallel to each other and piece for on the left side! If you did not label the sides, take a look at each individual shape of the chimney sides and you make be able to work out which piece goes where! If you have glued down all of the pieces, then your chimney is complete!

Installing the Chimney!


Now we will attach the chimney! First, take piece 1 aka the small rectangular piece and glue it to the far right side of your chimney square you’ve cut out. Make sure that the sides stick out of the house! Glue pieces 2 and 3 parallel to each other and piece for on the left side! If you did not label the sides, take a look at each individual shape of the chimney sides and you make be able to work out which piece goes where! I have also labeled each side of the chimney for you if you click on the picture of the finished chimney above! If you have glued down all of the pieces, then your chimney is complete! Now you can either paint your chimney or leave it as is!

Adding Details and Painting!


For this final step, we will paint the chimney and give it some tissues! You can choose whichever color(s) you would like for your house! You can even give it some details like a door or a window! After you are done painting and adding details,(let it dry for a day or so) you can slide a tissue box of similar size right into the house! Pull the first tissue out of the inner box and stick it out of the chimney of your outer box! Now you have an adorable house-shaped tissue box with tissue steam coming out of it! It is perfect for a kids room or living room! You may have a hard time getting the inner tissue box inside the outer tissue box, but give the inner box a squeeze and it will fit in!