Simple Bluetooth Car With Ultrasonic Parking Siren

by kartikvr20 in Circuits > Arduino

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Simple Bluetooth Car With Ultrasonic Parking Siren


Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Its my first instructable with arduino. I have made a simple bluetooth car along with it i have made ultrasonic parking sensor.

Materials Required: -


1. Chassis

2. 2 DC Motors

3. Wires

4. Hollow Metal pipe

5. 4 Wheels

6. 2 Arduino UNO

7. Jumper wires

8. 2 PCBs

9. Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04)

10. Male Female headers

11. LEDs

12. Piezo Buzzer

13. Bluetooth module(HC-05)

14. L293D MOTOR IC

15. Solar Panel

16. 2 4v Lead acid Battery

17. 9v Rechargeable battery

18. Arduino Power Jack

19. Wire stripper

20. Soldering Wires

21. Soldering iron

22. Male to male headers

23. Android phone( with Bluetooth RC Controller.apk)

Construction: -


First we

will make ultrasonic parking siren.

For making Ultrasonic parking sensor we need the following things: -

1. Breadboard

2. Jumper wire

3. Buzzer

4. Ultrasonic Sensor

5. LEDs

6. Arduino UNO

Step 1: FIRST Connect the GND pin on the sensor to the GND pin on the Arduino THEN connect the Vcc pin on the sensor to the 5V pin on the Arduino

Step 2: Connect the Echo pin of the sensor to Pin 3 of the Arduino

Step 3: Connect the Trig pin of the sensor to Pin 4 of the Arduino

Step 4: Connect the +ve terminal of buzzer to the 11 pin of the Arduino

Step 5: Connect the -ve terminal of buzzer to the GND pin of the Arduino

Step 6: Connect the +ve terminal of LED to the 11 pin of the Arduino

Step 5: Connect the -ve terminal of LED to the GND pin of the Arduino

Step 6: Load the “Ultrasonic Siren Program” written below

Codes are: -

// codes start from here

int sirenPin = 11;

long duration;

void setup() {

pinMode(4,OUTPUT); // trig pin

pinMode ( 3,INPUT); // echo pin

pinMode (sirenPin,OUTPUT); // set the siren pin as output

//Serial.began(9600); // display distance OPTIONAL


void loop()


//*********code measures time for the sound to bounce back from an object**********

digitalWrite(4,HIGH); // turn on trigger


digitalWrite(4, LOW); //turn trigger off

duration = pulseIn(3, HIGH); // measure time for sound wave to come back

//Serial.print(duration/58); // converts microseconds into centimeters //OPTIONAL

//Serial.printIn("cm"; // OPTIONAL

digitalWrite(sirenPin, HIGH); //turn siren o

delay(200); //leave on for 100 milliseconds

digitalWrite(sirenPin,LOW); //turn siren off

delay(duration/40); //leave off depending on distance


// codes end here

Now we will use Bluetooth module to control the car.

Make the circuit using the picture given.

After making
this circuit upload these codes on your Arduino Uno: -

// codes start here


* created by kartik verma

* Control 2 DC motors with Smartphone via bluetooth


int motor1Pin1 = 3; // pin 2 on L293D IC

int motor1Pin2 = 4; // pin 7 on L293D IC

int enable1Pin = 6; // pin 1 on L293D IC

int motor2Pin1 = 8; // pin 10 on L293D IC

int motor2Pin2 = 9; // pin 15 on L293D IC

int enable2Pin = 11; // pin 9 on L293D IC

int state;

int flag=0; //makes sure that the serial only prints once the state

int stateStop=0;

void setup() {

// sets the pins as outputs:

pinMode(motor1Pin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(motor1Pin2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(enable1Pin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(motor2Pin1, OUTPUT);

pinMode(motor2Pin2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(enable2Pin, OUTPUT);

// sets enable1Pin and enable2Pin high so that motor can turn on:

digitalWrite(enable1Pin, HIGH);

digitalWrite(enable2Pin, HIGH);

// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:



void loop() {

//if some date is sent, reads it and saves in state

if(Serial.available() > 0){

state =;



// if the state is 'F' the DC motor will go forward

if (state == 'F') {

digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, HIGH);

if(flag == 0){

Serial.println("Go Forward!");




// if the state is 'L' the motor will turn left

else if (state == 'L') {

digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, LOW);

if(flag == 0){

Serial.println("Turn LEFT");







// if the state is 'S' the motor will Stop

else if (state == 'S' || stateStop == 1) {

digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, LOW);

if(flag == 0){






// if the state is 'R' the motor will turn right

else if (state == 'R') {

digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, HIGH);

if(flag == 0){

Serial.println("Turn RIGHT");







// if the state is 'B' the motor will Reverse

else if (state == 'B') {

digitalWrite(motor1Pin1, LOW);

digitalWrite(motor1Pin2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(motor2Pin2, LOW);

if(flag == 0){





//For debugging purpose



// codes end here

After making these all we will connect 2 Small solar panels with the battery and connect the +ve terminal of the motor with a diode and then connect the diode with the +ve terminal of the battery and then connect the –ve terminal of the motor with the –ve terminal of battery.

You can also connect the solar panel and the motor working as wing generator by seeing the picture.

Working: -


Let me show

you how the ultrasonic parking sensor works.

An ultrasonic sensor sends off a sound wave and then detects the return of the same sound wave. It uses the time travelled by the wave to calculate distance to the obstacle that reflected the wave, by this equation:

Distance (in cm) = Time (in µs) X 0.0034

Let me show you that how Bluetooth can be used to control the sustainable energy car.

We have used Bluetooth RC Controller.apk to control this car.

When we press any button on the app it sends a signal to the Bluetooth module (HC-05) and the Bluetooth module sends an electric signal to L293D motor IC which commands the motor to run.

For e.g.: - When we press forward button on the app both the motor moves in the forward direction.



If you want to etch ultrasonic parking siren you can see the picture given to make a shield for ultrasonic parking siren.

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