Signing Off Core Tasks

by Trev93 in Outside > Survival

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Signing Off Core Tasks

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Due to the ever evolving training situation in the Air Force and how the new platform, Total Force Training Record (TFTR), won’t be fully operational until fall 2021 we will be utilizing paper records. This instruction is designed to show you how to sign off tasks in the Speciality Training Standard (STS) section of the Career Field Education Training Plan (CFETP).

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware of the sharpness of the paper to avoid paper cuts


Training Record

Writing Utencil

Grab the Airmen's Training Record

step 1.JPG

The training records should be kept in a central location in your shop. The upgrade training binders are usually kept where your shop training monitor sits or where your shop program books are.

Locate the Core Task You Want to Sign Off

Step 2.JPG

There are many tasks located on the STS, but we are going to focus our attention on the tasks annotated with an asterisk marking it as a core task

Write in the Start Date

step 3.JPG

The column with the title “Tng Start” is where you will input the date

Write in the Completion Date

step 4.JPG

The column with the title “Tng Comp” is where you will input the date the training finished.

Have the Trained Individual Input His Initials

step 5.JPG

The column with the title “trainee initials“ is where the individual

will put his 3 letter initial

Have the Trainer Input Thier Initials

step 6.JPG

The column with the title “trainer initials” is where the

trainer will put his 3 letter initials.

Task Signing Demonstration


In the above video, you will see a demonstration of how to sign off a task in the STS section of the CFETP.

I hop this instruction aides you all in the documentation of your airmen’s training while we wait for TFTR to be fully operational!