Shooting a Compound Bow

by AndrewQuest in Outside > Survival

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Shooting a Compound Bow

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This list of steps you are about to read and practice is a safe way to have fun. Shooting a compound bow is dangerous and the following steps are important to follow closely. Do not use equipment that has not been set to you personally. Hope you learn to shoot your bow in a safe way while enjoying yourself.

Gather Your Gear

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You will need:
A compound bow
bow wax

range finder

You need to make sure the bow you are about to shoot is set to your draw weight and also set to your draw length. It is very dangerous to shoot a bow not set up for you personally.

Inspect Your Equipment

It is very important that you inspect your equipment and make sure nothing is damaged or worn too badly. Before you shoot make sure to wax your sting on your bow with bow wax. Do not use candle wax. Another thing to inspect is your arrows. Make sure none of your arrows are damaged. Do a flex test by placing your hands at each side of the arrow bending the arrow, this will reveal any damages the arrow has.



A release is a tool used by archers so a person doesn't need to use their fingers. Place your wrist inside the release strapping it tightly around the wrist but not too tightly that circulation is cut off. You want the release tight so when you pull the bow back the release will stay on your hand.

Range Finder

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Use a range finder and find your target down range. Power on the range finder place cross hairs on the target and quickly press power again to determine the yards between you and the target. This number will tell you what pin down your sight to aim at.


When shooting a compound bow stand facing the target and turn 90 degrees and place your front foot slightly forward.

Grab the Bow

Its time to grab your bow. Hold the bow with your hand gripping the handle just below the rest or in some cases a wisker biscuit. This hand will be called the bow hand.

Placing the Arrow

place an arrow onto the rest or wisker biscuit and pull the rear of the arrow into
the string until you hear a click. The knock is the plastic rear piece of the
arrow it has a split in the plastic where the sting fits very firmly together. If you don’t
follow this method closely possible damage to your equipment as well as injury to ones self
could happen.

Attach Release to D Loop.

Now look on your bow string you should see a loop, this loop is called a d loop. Connect
the release to the d loop using the trigger on the release to open and close
the mechanical part of the release. Make sure the top of your release hand is
facing the sky and you are locked onto the d loop.

Pull Back

Keeping your bow hand extended. Pull back the string with the release being very steady and while you pull back keep trigger finger behind the trigger of the release for any unwanted malfunctions.

Bow Is Pulled Back Now What

As you get the bow back compound bows have what archers call a breaking point and at this point is where the strength of pulling the bow back is settled so holding the bow back requires tremendously less effort. At this point you want to find a comfortable spot called an anchor point this is the position you can look down the sight and aim.

Anchor Point

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while set at your anchor point look down the bow through the sight on the string focusing the pin on the sight to the target. Most bows have set pins for sights while others have adjustable pins. If adjustable set the pin to whatever the distance the range finder read in step 4.

Looking Down the Sight

Now that you have the bow in full draw looking down the sight it is important to not grip the bow too hard. The bow should rest in the palm of your bow hand between index and thumb with fingers open or loosely closed.

Time to Shoot

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Taking your index finger from behind the trigger and placing in front of trigger. Everyone is different when it comes to breathing while they shoot. I like to release my arrow in between breaths. Squeeze the trigger when you feel your sights are on the target.

Post Release

After you release your arrow you are not done. Set the bow down and walk to the target and locate arrows. If other archers are around it is a good habit to always yell clear when everyone is done shooting and ready to gather arrows.

Inspect Your Equipment

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Pull arrow out of target. Always inspect your arrows after each shot. Give each arrow a flex test. Do a flex test by placing one hand at each side of the arrow and bend the arrow. If the arrow does not split or indicate any damage the arrow is ready to shoot again.