Shimmer Paper Rose Bouquet

This lovely paper rose bouquet makes a beautiful centerpiece. The metallic shimmer paper catches and reflects the light, giving these flowers a unique look.
Gather Tools and Supplies

Cricut Cutting Machine (optional)
Hot Glue Gun + Glue Sticks
Wooden Skewer
Pink Shimmer Paper (get it on amazon here)
White Shimmer Paper (get it on amazon here)
Champagne Shimmer Paper (get it on amazon here)
Green Shimmer Paper (get it on amazon here)
18 Guage Floral Wire Stems 16" (get it on amazon here)
Floral Tape (get it on amazon here)
Cut Out Flower and Leaf Shapes

To cut the flower and leaf shapes, I used my Cricut Explore Air machine with the Flower Shoppe cartridge. If you have a Cricut machine and this cartridge or a Cricut Access subscription, you can use my project files here and here. If you do not have a Cricut machine, this template by Lia Griffith is pretty close to the Flower Shoppe shapes that I used. (Print the template onto cardstock, then trace onto shimmer papers, and cut out with scissors.)
- Cut 20 flower shapes out of each of the 3 flower colors. That's a total of 60 flower shapes.
- Cut 25 leaf shapes out of the green paper.
Separate and Shape the Petals

The roses should be assembled one at a time. Follow the steps to make 1 rose. Repeat for each additional rose. You will end up with 15 roses.
- Start with 4 flower shapes of the same color.
- From the 1st flower shape, cut off one petal from the side without the tab (see photo).
- Take the second flower shape, and cut off two separate petals from the side without the tab (see photo).
- Leave the remaining 2 flower shapes as they are.
Curl the edges of each rose petal around a wooden skewer to give them a natural looking shape.
Assemble the Rose Center

- Fold down 3/4" at the top of 1 floral stem. Glue the folded stem to the right edge of a single rose petal. Roll up the petal around the stem leaving the curled left edge sticking out. Apply glue to secure the petal in place creating the rose center.
- Pinch the bottom of the 2nd single petal to create a fold. Apply glue to the inside of the fold. Press and squeeze the petal onto one side of the rose center.
- Pinch the bottom of the 3rd single petal to create a fold. Apply glue to the inside of the fold. Press and squeeze the petal onto the other side of the rose center.
Finish Assembling the Rose

- For the remaining 3 petal shape, 4 petal shape, and two 5 petal shapes, glue the tab to the underside of the opposite edge.
- Snip a small amount off the bottom of the 3, 4, and both 5 petal shapes. On the bottom of the 5 petal shapes cut a couple small slits at the bottom. This will make it easier to fit the pieces together.
- Thread the floral stem through the hole in the center of the 3 petal shape. Apply glue all the way around the bottom of the rose center. Slide the 3 petal shape up to the rose center, staggering the petals. Press and squeeze to secure it in place.
- Thread the floral stem through the hole in the center of the 4 petal shape. Apply glue all the way around the bottom of the 3 petal shape. Slide the 4 petal shape up to the rose bottom, staggering the petals. Press and squeeze to secure it in place.
- Thread the floral stem through the hole in the center of the 1st 5 petal shape. Apply glue all the way around the bottom of the 4 petal shape. Slide the 5 petal shape up to the rose bottom, staggering the petals. Press and squeeze to secure it in place.
- Thread the floral stem through the hole in the center of the 2nd 5 petal shape. Apply glue all the way around the bottom of the 1st 5 petal shape. Slide the 2nd 5 petal shape up to the rose bottom, staggering the petals. Press and squeeze to secure it in place.
- Admire your beautiful rose!
Shape and Assemble the Leaves

- Fold each leaf in half, making a crease down the center.
- Curl the outer edges of each leaf around a wooden skewer to give them a natural looking shape.
- Glue about 1/2" of the end of a floral stem to the bottom of each leaf.
Assemble and Secure the Bouquet

- Arrange the roses how you think they look best. Keep the stems of the center flowers straight, and bend the stems downward as the flowers get closer to the outside edge.
- Scatter the leaves throughout the arrangement, filling in holes between the flowers and putting a few along the outside edge.
- When your bouquet is arranged just right, hold the stems together tightly.
- Starting at the top, wrap tightly with floral tape half way down.
- Bend the bottoms of the stems up 180°. Hold them tightly against the sides of the base.
- Starting about 1" from the bottom, wrap tightly with floral tape all the way to the top of the base.
- Display your finished bouquet in a vase or a mason jar. You could also wrap the base in ribbon to use it as a bridal bouquet.