Sheepherder’s Bake

It’s beginner friendly, and can be made in an endless variety.
My favourite thing about it, aside for the taste that is, is that it’s an awesome meal for making outside, over a log fire.
All you need is veggies, eggs, a frying pan, and a heat source.
So do yourself a favour and try this recipe, You find yourself making it again and again.

Food stuff:
7 Eggs
4 cups diced Potatoes
1 cup Ham (or bacon or whatever meat you want)
1 cup Onions
1/2 cup Mushrooms
1/4 cup Peppers
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black pepper
1/8 tsp Basil
1/8 tsp Garlic powder
1 tbsp Butter
1/2 cup Cheese
1 tbsp Chives
A frying pan
A Knife
A spatula
A stove top or campfire
Preparing the Potatoes

First you need to wash and peel the potatoes, then dice them into small cubes.
Next, I’m going to fry them, you can also grill them in the frying pan until they’re soft, if you’re planning on grilling them then a good way of saving time is to shred them instead of dicing, they will grill faster that way.
But if you decide to fry them then shedding them will result in sharp points that will puncture the egg yolks, then you will be sad.
After frying the potatoes salt them to taste and set aside.
Preparing the Rest of the Food

Mixing It Together

Add the mushrooms and spices and grill for about another 3 minutes.
Remove from the heat and add the peppers and potatoes.
Mix everything together.
Adding the Eggs.

Now flatten the potato mixture and using a spoon make small divots where you want the eggs to go.
Spread them out evenly,
Crack the eggs into the holes.
Poaching the Eggs

Cover the pan and leave until the top of the eggs have gone white.
It’s best to go low and slow for this step, to high heat can easily burn the bottom, so just be patient, this step can take 12-20 minutes.
Finishing Touches

Place back on the heat until cheese is melted, and eggs are not quite done.
Remove from the heat, eggs will continue to cook a bit.

This is best served directly, and with a fresh slice of toasted bread with butter and honey.
But it’s amazing by itself as well.
If you are a savage like some people I know, you can add ketchup.
Feel free to add and substitute veggies however you like, this recipe is very forgiving, and frankly tastes good however you make it.