Shake Pen Flash Light
The shake flash light it’s a good project to understand how magnets and copper wire coils can generate a voltage. The project started out as an excise in one of my lessons, the test was to build a simple hand held generator using the material available in the class room while note using any kind of electric motor because is considered lazy work. The project is based on the
2 small magnets
12 Relay
5V 0.047F capacitor
1N4001 diode
White led
50mm robber rode
Some hot glue leftovers
Soldering iron
Build the Coil
In order to make the coil first dissemble the relay and remove the solenoid, then use the solenoid wire to build the main coil in the pen.
Glue the Capacitor
Connect Everything
The diode is connected to the positive terminal of the capacitor, the resistor is connected to the positive end of the led. The negative end of the led is connected directly to the capacitor with one of the ends from the coil the remaining end is connected to the diode.
Build the Magnet
Glue the two magnets of a small capacitor or anything of similar size, while controlling the polarity of the magnets.
Inset the robber rode to one of the ends of the pen, then put in the magnet while closing the other end with your finger then shake the pen about 60 to 100+ times to get enough power to light up the led.