Servo Hand
this a robotic hand made of Styrofoam that can bend its fingers by means of servos
Elastics, sanding block, exacto knife, paper clip, needle, pliers, fishing line, Styrofoam, marker, hot glue
Draw Shapes
measure each of your finger's length and width of your palm and fingers with the ruler and use them to create crude shapes on a slate of Styrofoam with those dimensions.
Shape Fingers
carefully cut those shapes out of the Styrofoam and use an exacto knife to cut of all corners of the fingers so it looks like an octagon.
sand down those edges to make a cylinder and then sand the tip to make a rounded end then sand the edges of the palm to make them slightly rounded as well.
Make Fingers Bend
cut each finger into three parts horizontally and then cut the ends of those parts until the finger can bend at about a 90 degree angle
Connect Fingers to Palm
use the needle to thread fishing line through the 3 parts of each finger an then thread the fishing line diagonally through
the palm where each respective finger goes. then use paper clips to hold the fishing line down on the
Make Fingers Retract
after all the fingers have been attached cut the elastics to connect the pats of the fingers and glue them to the build I recommend using pliers to hold the elastics in place while the glue dries
Hook Up Servos
tie the end of the fishing line to the servos to pull the fingers into a bent position
Use Arduino
Use an Arduino to make the servos retract so you can orient the hand in any way you want