Serge System 2

This is the second panel I built. Its a piece together system that used this original faceplate here
But fucked it up severely and gutted my 2 months of work. I then began to puzzle together various other modules I ran into over time. Many re edits and trying of things and now I finally have a set up i'm into that is both self sufficient and can play with my other systems.
This is the second panel in the flick.
Layout and Wiring

This is always the beginning stage for me. After laying all the PCB's to my liking, I then solder all the power to the module. From there I can diagnose each stage of the circuit and play around with what I have to wire as well as what I can tap in to and hack. After I get a decent understanding of my layout, I'll find artwork from magazines or draw something that takes the place of the original module that was in that space. example, right next to the Dual LFO originally was a master divider that i blew up by wiring wrong. So I gutted that and laid out a Boolean logic module in its place. I then added some artwork from an old Juxtapose mag and viola: NEW MODULE. I did this throughout the 3 month build of this synth. Through this process i've found the gold in taking my time and testing what works so it can be a permanent resident that is always helping my system out instead of being a useless module.
Point to Point Wiring

For all my serge systems, I try to really be on point with my point to point wiring. I used to not give a fuck and would have a rats nest of wires. But I found that mentality made my life more stressful and discouraging. After meeting various great builders like Jim and Dimitri, I really began to understand and see the beauty in organization and how that can lead to really hacking and personalizing your synth because suddenly everything is easily accessed. Here are examples of how I wired my pots and wires and even wired a hack on the boolean logic and installed a switch that gave more "snap".
To sum up point to point wiring and soldering:
You wire the first lug you are soldering, you then make it to length at the bend. From that length, you wire to next point with some slack at other lug. With this, the wire can be twist tied easily, laid out and organized easier for pots and inputs lay out and will stay in place while being diagnosed. I find this practice has also helped with my circuit bent instruments as well.

This is the point where I take my Multi Meter and Oscilloscope and begin to make simple patches. From there I will follow the instructions on how to calibrate things like VCO's, VCF's and VCA's. I would use my paper face serge as the main module that tests out of the new module is functioning. Here is an example of the LFO being tested by my paper face. And in the second picture you can also see a filter being tested (which is now gone and replaced with the little sidrassi. you can see how I added that here)
Face Plate Lay Out and Module Lay Out

As seen in both pictures you see a mix of collage work and a little of my toy graf skills at play.
on the flip you see the same kind of collage work. I basically built the front to mirror the style of the back. It creates a visual feedback look that represents me and my ethos.
System breakdown:
Sequential Switch:
Sidrassi Switch:
HACKED Synthrotek Cortez kick drum clone:
Boolean Logic:
If one tends to notice already, I don't put LED's in my systems. I like low profile, non LED lighting ninja techniques :) But feel free to add because they are amazing ! !