Semi Automatic Bird Feeder...

by KresimirPregernik in Outside > Birding

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Semi Automatic Bird Feeder...

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everybody recognize this. Your kidney an liver especially. Well, this was two days ago.


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Bottles are empty. One got holes. The bigger one. With small nail curved scissors...smaller hole is made by glowing spike.

All Parts

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This is needed for the next step. Do you remember the first picture?

New Bottle ?

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Inside outside,  ... cover against rain - with nice red cup.


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Sunflower grain inside. It shall last few days...
Near by are trees. And in the morning ... during day...on evening - birds.

One Hour Later

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...the first one...(to cheq)..

It's Begun

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and two...and ...

So, all together:  
Two days to  empty bottles...and
20 minutes to assemble feeder.

Sincerely yours,