Self Watering Planter !!

by 26romo7027 in Workshop > Home Improvement

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Self Watering Planter !!


This is a self watering planter, for people who may forget to water their plants. We made this creation by using the design thinking process which consists of this steps. The first step is empathize, then comes the define step, next is ideate, after comes the prototype phase and lastly there is the test phase. We started off by creating our drivers and constraints, to see what our challenges will be and how we can improve our idea. Then we asked 6 questions to our users to see what their opinion about our idea is, and to get an idea if it would actually be used. After collecting our replies we created our fist model of our idea. After that we created a digital prototype so we can have an example of what we are building. So this is out final product.


The supplies are very simple

1) empty plastic water bottle

2) paper towls

3) knife/scissors your choice

4) dirt

Water Bottle


For this step, you need to use your knife or scissors to cut the top of the bottle off, the you will poke 4 holes on the top of the part you just cut off.

Setting the Planter Ready


After cutting the bottle, you will grab the paper towel and put it inside the part you cut off the bottle, and you will fill the other part of the water bottle with water.

Setting Your Soil Ready


After you have filled one part of the bottle with water and the other you put the paper towel, you need to put the soil on-top of the paper towel with your seed inside.



After you finished all the steps, you just need to enjoy your planter, you just need to place it on a place where it will receive sunlight and your good to go.

Final Step


Enjoy your self watering planter, but just remember about once a week you will have to refill with water. Enjoy !