Security System
Hello, my name is Pieter Schouttetens and I study New Media and Communication Technology at Howest in Kortrijk, Belgium. As an assignment for school, we needed to make an IoT-device. The idea already lurked into my head when we got the assigment. when you go out at night or go on a vacation how safe are you valuables in your house actually. Thats the idea that popped in my head. so then what if I create my own securiy system for my home.
Step 1 : Materials
what im using for my project :
- motion sensor HC-SR501
- sound and microphone sensor VMA309
- rfid sensor RFID RC522
- raspberry pi 4b
- oled display 0.96 inch
- breadbord
- mcp3008
- servo motor
- maquette materials
Step 2 : Technical Schema
After a few weeks, my components were delivered so I could start building my device. First of all I made a schema to make sure that I would connect everything the right way.
Step 3 : Database
I had some problems with my database but how you create you own withouth those problems i'll explain for you guys. first you have to set up you mysql on you raspberry py then you have to
Step 4 : Code
Now its time to make sure all components do there job. So I wrote some backend code in python and deployed it on raspberry pi. After that worked i worked on the frontend so you would see a map and where you where on set map.
the programming engine i used was pycharm for the backend. and webstorm for the frontend in the frontend its just a site with the basics on it so if you want to design it feel free.
Step 5 : Maquette
For the maquette i got some karton-material and cut it up to the size i wanted you can do the same.
the if you want some decor i used some lego for a coupple of years ago but there are miniature furniture availleble for purchase in particular store like lucas creative store where i got my materials from.
Testing+ Endproduct
![protfolio qrcode.png](/proxy/?url= qrcode.png)
at last you test you endproduct see if it works then you can present or use it however you like.
here is a poster i created. for my project.