Secret Pen Gun

Keep a secret pen gun in your pocket at school
Steps to make the best secret pen gun ever!

Then take the lid off and put it to the side you will need it latter.
Step 2

Then take the back of and put that to the side.
Step 3

Pull the ink tube out of the pen and put that to the side.
Step 4

Cut the writing end so the ink tube can fit through it.
Step 5

Put your pen back together but leave the ink tube out.
Step 6

Load the ink tube in with the point facing out push it all the way into the the pen so no parts are sticking out.
Step 7

Now your ready to use your pen gun all you need to do is flick your wrist so the ink tube comes out the end of the pen. :)
Step 8

The pen gun shoots up to 6 meters so have fun
With your secret pen gun!