Sea Witch Broom

Our last name is Lockwich it's Lock, witch but without the t. Every Halloween we dress up like witches. Our Hurricane Milton's flying school and Lockwich's Brooms was the perfect show case for our Halloween Witch Brooms this year.

Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Black, Pink Spray Paint
Wooden sea creatures (turtles, sea horses, whales, octopus)
Wooden sea shells, and boats
Pipe cleaner (2)
Glue sticks (mini)
Glue gun (mini)
Galvanized letters (13 pieces A-M) (13 pieces N-Z)
Sea Horse ornament
Palm Fraun

Cut a palm fraun on the sides making it smaller. It should look like a broom shape not so rounded. Make a pile as you cut them off.

Take a small pile of the cut off palm frauns and bend them in half. Place them on the top of the palm Fraun where they were cut off and tie them on with the pipe cleaners.

Turn the broom over and cut the ends of the palm frauns going one direction then going the opposite direction.

Spray paint the palm frauns blue then pink. Place the whales on top of the palm frauns and spray paint over them leaving an unpainted print of the whales. Keep going with all of the other wooden creatures, shells, and boats.

Once all of the wooden items are painted remove them. Take the pruners and cut the ends of the broom back and forth at an angle creating a zig zag.

Attach the sea Horse ornament at the top of the palm Fraun. Take the letters and get out sea horse place them on the stem of the palm Fraun. Spray paint over the letters blue, pink then orange. Remove the letters and throw them away.

Now you have your prop for the Halloween Sea Witch costume. Fly away

Don't forget to leave your broom by the front door...

Or witch parking only at the Hurricane Milton's flying school and Lockwich Brooms in Palm Harbor