Sculpt Baymax on Albite Stone
Baymax is one of my son's the most favorite cartoon characters. For his present, I had sculpted one Baymax on albite stone recently. And I wrote this instructable for documenting the whole DIY process. FYI.
Albite stone
Write the general axis of the figure.
Grind the albite with electrical grinder.
Sculpting the General Contour
After grinding, it will be easier to draw the outline of Baymax in the albite stone.
Sculpt the general contour with electrical grinder.
Sculpting the Details of Arms and Legs
Now, we can draw more details of arms and legs in the stone.
Then sculpt the details with fine grinder.
Extra Details
On the albite stone, we draw the eyes and nose with water-proof scriptliner pen.
Similar to the previous step, sculpt one lovely heart with fine grinder.
Fine Polishing
The Baymax would be done after your final fine polishing with fine sandpaper or grinder.
Tutorial Video
If you have some question or not to miss any details, It is advisable to watch the video tutorial for more details.