Scrap Wood End Grain End Table | How to Build

by craftedworkshop in Workshop > Woodworking

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Scrap Wood End Grain End Table | How to Build

Scrap Wood End Grain End Table | How To Build - Woodworking

In this Instructable, I'll show you how to turn a pile of hardwood scraps into a super cool end table! This build was actually inspired by a video Instructables themselves produced. You can check out that project here. Let's get started!

Don't miss the build video above for a lot more details!

Gather Tools and Materials

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For this build, I did use a good bit of tools, but you could build it with less.

Tools Used In Scrap Wood End Grain End Table Project:

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Materials Used In Scrap Wood End Grain End Table Project:

Break Down Scraps & Flatten Pieces

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For this project, I needed four strips that would make up the legs, at about 24" in length, and the rest of the strips could be cut to a random size. I cut most of the pieces in the 10" to 18" range. I cut the pieces at the miter saw.

After cutting them to length, I flattened two of the sides with my planer. This helps the pieces come together without any gaps during the glue up.

Arrange Strips and Glue Up Layers

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Once I had enough strips to form one of the layers, I arranged them how I wanted them and then glued the strips together using wood glue. When building these layers, make sure they can still fit through your planer after gluing, since you'll need to flatten them using the planer after the glue up. Another tip is to avoid having too much glue towards the bottom of each strip, otherwise you will get a lot of squeeze out in places that aren't easy to clean up.

Rinse and Repeat

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Basically, do this same process over and over again until you have enough layers to make a table the size you want. This is a really time consuming process, but the end result is worth it!

Flatten and Square Up Layers

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After the glue has dried on each layer, flatten them on the planer. Since one side is relatively flat, you can use this side as the reference surface on the planer. It will take quite a few passes to flatten the layers, but eventually you'll have a layer with two flat sides.

Next, square up one side on the jointer and rip the layer to width at the table saw. It's important that all of the layers are the same width.

Finally, square up the top edge of the layers by crosscutting them on the table saw.

Assemble the Individual Layers

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Before gluing the layers to each other to form the table, I used my Festool Domino XL to cut slots for the Dominos. These will help keep all of the layers aligned during the glue up and will make cleaning everything up much simpler later on.

With the Domino mortises cut, I assembled the layers, applying glue then adding Dominos. Once all of the layers were together, I clamped the table up and let it dry.

Flatten Sides and Top

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After the glue dries, it's time to flatten the sides and top. Since I used the Dominos, I didn't have much slippage, but there was still a little bit that needed to be cleaned up. For this, I used my low angle jack plane. After flattening the sides and top, I also scraped all of the surfaces with a card scraper. A card scraper really helps to smooth things out prior to sanding and will save you a ton of time later on.

Cut Table Legs to Final Length

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Next, I cut all of the legs to their final length at the table saw. It's best to wait to do this until after the table is assembled, that way any slippage can be accounted for during the final trimming.

Chamfer Edges and Sand the Table

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I chamfered the edges, legs, and feet of the table with a block plane. This adds a nice look, and chamfering the bottom of the legs helps to keep the legs from splintering if dragged across a floor.

Next, I sanded all of the surfaces using a random orbit sander, going from 80 grit up to 180 grit.

Apply Finish

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For finishing, I used two different finishes. For the bottom, I used a spray polyurethane, since getting in between the strips with a brush or rag would be next to impossible. For the sides and top, I used a wipe-on poly. After the finish dried, I added some felt furniture pads to the bottom of the legs, and the table was done!

Enjoy Your Table!

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I'm really happy with the way this piece turned out, and it will definitely be a conversation piece in my den. I hope you enjoyed this project! If you did, check out my website and my YouTube channel for a ton more builds like this one. I put out new projects every week, so stay tuned! Thanks!

- Johnny