Scrambled Eggs - Still in the Shell !

by ATTILAtheHUNgry in Cooking > Breakfast

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Scrambled Eggs - Still in the Shell !

Title 3.jpg
Notice how the egg under that shell is a delicious shade of yellow rather than the typical white?  In Japan this is called a Golden egg

That's a nice name, but a more descriptive one would be "Scrambled egg still in the shell".  This is a simple egg trick my Sensei told me about; it's easy and fun and makes a tasty hard-boiled treat.

**UPDATE**    I've done some research. The actual name in Japanese is  �rD�gu �   or   MD�D�g_~T   which means Yellow Boiled Egg.  Pretty straight forward name.  I guess Golden egg is just the poetic version.    (Instructables apparently doesn't support non-roman characters, so the Japanese didn't show up.)

Getting Started

All you need to make a Golden egg is:
  1. a raw egg
  2. one leg cut from a pair of nylons
Slip the egg into the nylons and place it half way between the toe and the opening.

**EDIT**      It's been suggested that what I'm really using here is one leg from a pair of stockings.  This could very well be true, as I know literally nothing about nylons or stockings.  If so, just replace each instance of "nylons" with "stockings", and go at it!

**EDIT #2**       Apparently the type of stocking / tight / legging / nylon may play a larger role than I knew.  The stockings I use have a relatively low level of stretch.  If the material is too stretchy then it won't spin properly.  Also, it took me 4 eggs before I finally got a Golden egg (before I figured out the flashlight check in Step 3), so hang in there if it doesn't work on the first try!

Scramble Time

Now we scramble!  Grab the ends of the nylons, one end in each hand, with the egg suspended in the middle.  Begin to twist the nylon around the egg, about 20-25 twists.  When it is fully twisted, pull the ends of the nylon apart quickly.  The nylon should untwist itself, spinning the egg rapidly.

Repeat about 10 times.

If you are letting the kids help, you may be concerned about handing them what are essentially flails made of nylon and raw egg.  I don't blame you :)  But have no fear!  Simply put each egg in a ziploc bag before you put it in the nylon.  Now if they smack an egg on a table top (or their sibling's head), there'll be no mess to clean up (only hurt feelings).

Is It Golden Yet?

To check if your egg is properly scrambled, go to a dark room and shine a flashlight through your egg.  An unscrambled egg will appear bright and yellow, and you may even see a shadow inside cast by the (still intact) yolk.  A properly scrambled egg will be a much darker red color, since the yolk is now mixed with the albumen. 

Boil and Bubble

Of course, now that your egg is scrambled in the shell, you can cook it anyway you desire.  I like to hard boil them, myself. 

Put the eggs in a pot of lukewarm water until they are just covered.  Heat.  Once the water reaches a rolling boil set a timer for 6 minutes.  When the timer rings, turn off the heat and soak in cold water to stop the cooking (and keep your hands safe).

**EDIT #3**      People have commented on something I forgot to mention, which is that hard-boiled Golden eggs are harder to peel than regular hard-boiled eggs.  For whatever reason, the scrambled egg grabs to the shell a bit stronger than usual and can make for an ugly peeled egg.  (My first four eggs were hideous.  Tasty, but hideous.)  To solve this problem, and produce the not-ugly egg you see in this instructable, I used the back of a spoon to gently break the shell into small pieces, and then peeled it while submerged in a pot of cold water.  It helped alot.

Now What?

Now that you can make Golden eggs, what can you do with them? Well...
  • Just eat it.  Hard-boiled Golden eggs taste good by themselves, but a little sprinkle of salt never goes amiss.  Or you can chop them up and throw them over a salad for some delicious protein.
  • Mix it into a batch of regular boiled eggs.  Like the old English tradition of hiding a coin in the pudding, whoever gets the golden egg gets good luck for the week.  If it's Easter eggs we're talking about, then the Golden egg can grant good luck for the whole year.  This throws a whole new twist into the Easter egg hunt tradition.
  • Put a raw scrambled egg back in the carton as a harmless prank.  The next time someone goes to make a sunny-side up they'll get a scrambled surprise.
  • Hollow it out.  Traditionally when hollowing out eggs you must break up the yolk with a long needle before it can be blown out.  Golden eggs already have scrambled yolks, so just poke two tiny holes and blow it all out.
Like I said, I usually just eat them.  But I'm sure you creative folks can think of more uses for Golden eggs.  Go nuts!