Scary Ghost Pop-up Halloween Decoration

by SamBuildsStuff in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Scary Ghost Pop-up Halloween Decoration

2024_10_18_0we_Kleki (1).png

I always wanted a Halloween decoration like this, like those pop up animatronics at Halloween stores, but they were always really expensive and big. I wanted to make something like that that wasn't to big or too expensive, but didn't look cheap or out of place. That's when I saw a program called MotionGen that a 3d printer youtuber uses all the time, Engineezy, that gave me an idea. I played around with the site when I made a design that looked eerily similar to the pop up animatronics at the stores. I decided I knew exactly what I would do when I saw a contest for halloween stuff on this website, Autodesk instructables, and that gave me just the boost to start making this. the design, however, was so complicated and finicky, that I ended up abandoning the project, until I remembered a design I had seen before on lifting mechanisms using 2 beams to keep one part facing the same way, and then it hit me. I immediately started to work on the project from scratch, and here we are.

FYI, this is version 3, version 1 was too loose in tolerance, and version 2 was missing a part, so this should be the final design, being a LOT better.



2024_10_18_0wh_Kleki (2).png
2024_10_18_0wh_Kleki (1).png


For this project you will need a 3d printer and hard filament (recommended, but optional), colored paint or markers (only if you don't have a multi-color printer, just want to use white, and/or don't know how to custom paint a 3d model), and an empty spot in your home that needs some decoration. If you don't own a 3d printer or hard filament, or just prefer not to use your own printer, you can have a 3d printer farm print the parts for you. Download the attached files, Parts 1-4 if you choose to assemble on your own, or print it all together in one model (print-in-place) with the "Full" model.

Each of the models can be scaled, however do not scale them separately without a scale percentage, because parts will not fit together if scaled unequally.


It is suggested to print these one part at a time if you choose to print parts 1-4, because this will prevent stringing between models. If you plan to use resin to print this, I suggest using the "Full" model with supports enabled. this is because attaching the parts separately can be very difficult, especially when dealing with resin, which is very brittle. If you don't have access to multiple filaments or don't know how to print with more that one color, use white filament and paint on details afterwards.



If you printed the "Full" model, you can skip this step. Assembly can be difficult if your plastic is extra stiff. The parts go together as shown: Part 2 goes above Part 3, Both Part 2 and 3 are in the tunnel of Part 4, Part 1 attaches to the back of Parts 2 and 3. When in the models resting position, Part 1 should fall to touch the bottom of Part 4, while Part 3 sticks up a bit in the front, as in the image there is a gap between Part 3 and the Bottom of Part 4. If the parts don't fall into this resting position, then there is too much friction and the tolerance (how much parts fit) of your printer needs to be a greater value. Tolerance is just the amount that your printer "blows up" your model to overcome shrinkage in material. If the tolerance is too low, then gaps in your model might be too tight.

Set It Up

when all is done with your decoration, and you happen to print this in white, then your colors of choosing are up to you. Search up on google or youtube what the best way to paint or draw on 3d prints is. Paint/draw in any color that fits your needs. Place it somewhere where guests will question it, let curiosity get the best of them and knock their socks off when a ghost jump's out to spook them. If you choose to, get rid of the ghost on the pedestal and replace it with a model of item of your own. Customize the gravestone if you want.

Have fun spooking guests, and happy halloween!