Scarecrow for Halloween!
Some sticks
Old clothes
Sheep head (or pig, goat, cow, human etc...)
Optional: some paint, red LEDs
A sheep's head can be easily obtained in a Turkish/ middle eastern store. Cook the head for ca. 2 hrs. Too short: much meat will stick to skull, too long: cartilage and thin bone will dissolve.
The meat from the jaw muscles and tongue tastes great!!!, the broth is great for soup or stew. Try the eyeballs!!!. Eating meat from a cows head involves some risk: mad cow disease (Creutzfeld Jacob).
Build the scarecrow frame with help of wire, screws or tape. Put the clothes on. Fill with straw (in my case, cuttings of spent flowers)
The lower jaw of a sheep has some soft tissue in front. They come apart while cooking. Both parts need to be wired together, and the jaw needs to be wired to the skull. This wire can also be used to suspend the skull on the frame.
Perhaps the skull needs to be propped up somewhat, by a small piece of wood or so.
Painting some blood and satanic symbols on the skull completes the job. 2 red bike lights in the eye sockets works great at dusk or later...
I did not remove the brain: as a bonus, maggots will start dropping from the nose in a few days!!!!