Sausage Dryer

hi everyone
Today I start my new project: A Dry Sausage DIY. To make perfect dry sausages, you have to dry them at a temperature between 11 and 15 degrees celsuis with a humidity between 75% and 80% during 4 weeks . So I decided to make my own autonom sausage-dryer with what I have on hand
To help me I used this following tutorial:
- _ drink fridge I find one on ebay for 80$
- _rpi 0
- _rpi 0 case
- _pi-oled
- _dht 22
- _relay module
- _humidifier
- _fan (optional)

first thing I made is solder a new 5v pin on the pi-oled because it will take all of them when you will plug it(see on the picture)
dht 22
- Place a 10k resistor between Pin 1 and Pin 2 of the DHT22
- Pin 1 of the DHT22 to 3v3 on the Pi
- Pin 2 of the DHT22 to GPIO24 on the Pi
- Pin 4 of the DHT22 to GND on the Pi
relay module
- dc+ to 5v on the pi-oled
- dc- to ground on the Pi
- in 1 to 20 on the Pi (humidifer)
- no 1 to dc + plug side
- com 1 dc+ humidifer side
the final building part (the picture may help you more than the following text)
- put the humidifer and the fan in the fridge
- pass all the cable between the frigde door and the fridge (plug and dht22) I have to improve that but I don t know how yet
- turn on the fan all the time, lower speed if you can choose
- use the dht22 to adjust the temperature of your frigde between 10 and 15 degrees celcius
and it s done!!
I use Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit) with desktop enable i2c for the screen
you have to install screen and dht22 library:
- sudo apt-get install python3-pil python3-dev
- sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
- sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-ssd1306 Adafruit_DHT
Python script (drying in french):
- the goal is almost dht 22 give the temp and the humidity and put them on the screen
- if the humidity go down to 70% the relay turn on the humidifer
- if the humidity go up to 85% the relay turn off the humidifer
I use crontab to start my script on boot:
- in the terminal " crontab -e"
- at the end write :
@reboot python3 script/directory &
the fan stay on all the time at the lower speed
my next step making a cooking mode for the dry sausage
and stop open the fridge every 5 minute to see if it s dry enough.