by Gurupkar Nerwal in Workshop > CNC

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APPLICATION SUKH (Pronunciation: Sukh rhymes with book but with an s) means 'Happy' in Punjabi. The aim for Sukh's existence is to improve the happiness in the house by helping in daily chores like cleaning, cooking, serving, maintaining groceries, shopping and much more. To add the number of tasks that Sukh can perform, it can integrate with IoT capable devices in your home to maximize its and the device’s efficiency. Sukh can even be your personnel assistant by keeping reminders and managing your calendar or getting you coffee when you feel tired. Sukh also likes to do fun stuff like playing board games, throwing fun facts at you, cracking jokes and even singing a lullaby to the baby. Sukh can also help keep your home safe by keeping an eye out for suspicious activities and calling you or the police if the situation demands it. Furthermore, what makes Sukh different and likable is its expressiveness through its eyes, body language and wit. INSPIRATION Day by day our lives keep getting busier. There is so much to do and sadly there are just 24 hours in a day. Very frequently I have found myself wishing for more time. It might not be possible to add more hours in a day but it sure is possible to become more efficient is spending those few hours that we get. And one way to do that is to use the right tools and gadgets that help increase our efficiency for example a vacuum cleaner as opposed to a broom. Now, imagine a tool that can clean the house when needed, cook the food you like, make you laugh when you are sad, motivates you when you are down, takes the garbage out, keeps track of the groceries, keeps the dishes clean, keeps your house safe when no one is at home, manages your calendar, keeps your lawn in perfect shape, serves you food when you get home, when you have to suddenly go somewhere babysits the kids and so on. Imagine the time saved. Imagine the time used. Imagine progress. Imagine the future. FEASIBILTY These assumptions might sound a bit farfetched at first but being a robotics student, I have no doubt in my mind that these are achievable. Many existing products like Apple’s Siri, Google’s OK Google, Amazon’s Alexa, numerous company’s driverless cars and autonomous home devices like lawn mowers, vacuum cleaners, climate controllers are already converging towards a future in which Sukh will not only be said to be possible but will be a household necessity in every home. Although I do not for one moment believe that creating Sukh is going to be a walk in the park. It will be very tough with a lot of complicated problems and challenges to solve but once it gets out it has the potential to become one of the most revolutionary products available. Make anything. Because Sky is the limit.