I LOVE building with snow! It is one of the most forgiving media I know and when it's just right you can build almost anything. On the other hand it can also be very tricky, If it's too cold nothing packs (as with the Dewback/Stormtrooper combo we were forced to create packable snow by adding the puffy non-packable stuff to pans of water; most of the stormtrooper was made from this frozen slush mix.). Please enjoy the Darth Vader, Ronto / Jawa, Dewback / Stormtrooper, Buff Yoda, and of course Jabba the Hutt.
Supplies: All that's needed is the snow, a shovel, a spoon, some friends and time. (also a replica for reference of what you're trying to build helps)
- Begin by making a LARGE mound of snow. This is easy when the snow rolls, and a pain when it doesn't
- Do some rough sculpting with a shovel.
- Continue detail work with a spoon or other small carving tool. Here, the deeper you carve the darker the area will appear. This will give you the ability to ad texture to your sculpture.
- Smooth out with your gloved hand.
- Add snow to any areas broken during the process.
Supplies: All that's needed is the snow, a shovel, a spoon, some friends and time. (also a replica for reference of what you're trying to build helps)
- Begin by making a LARGE mound of snow. This is easy when the snow rolls, and a pain when it doesn't
- Do some rough sculpting with a shovel.
- Continue detail work with a spoon or other small carving tool. Here, the deeper you carve the darker the area will appear. This will give you the ability to ad texture to your sculpture.
- Smooth out with your gloved hand.
- Add snow to any areas broken during the process.