by RolfH1 in Cooking > Breakfast

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hallo . please dont be shy. have a go. you might surpize your self.


Thing You Will Need

Simply Cooking...


frying pan. pre furably non stick.

stove + oven with grill setting.

bowls + whisk+ spatular+

knife+ chopping bord>


3 eggs small to medium. or 2 nice big ones.

half onion.+ half tomato+ (bacon) opptional))

salt +pepper > spalsh of milk(opptional. )

and CHEESE!! (opptional)

Genral Appologi. and Insperation.

please note i would perfure you watch the vidio. as im not good at writing or spelling.

and please dont be affraid of giving this you own twist. food is wat you like. so get your self a combo of goodies. and give it a go. these can be cooked in 5min flat. just set your self up with the right stuff and go for it. i realy hope you enjoy . as food is all just love for your tummy.

thaks for your time. rolfo