Welcome to our instructable about the project we have been working on. First, a little introduction about us and our project. We are third year students from Escuela Técnica Roberto Rocca, and our names are Martina Sanchez, Sofia Castillo y Emilia Ferrero Bretti.
The project is about a smart lamp, a luminaire with automated movement variation. The final product can be used for an event, to decorate a room or simply to illuminate. The smart lamp has two diverse ways for turning the lights on. The first and the preset is: the lights are on all the time and the lamp moves vertical and horizontal to 180°, then 90° and last 0°. The second one is: The lights come on one by one, and the lamp moves vertical and horizontal to 180°, then 90° and last 0°.
For the realization of the smart lamp, we used:
- 2 Wood Fiberboard: 110 mm * 110 mm. Thickness= 3mm
-1 Wood Fiberboard: A circle with a Diameter of 110mm. Thickness= 3mm
-4 Wood Fiberboard: 110 mm*100mm. Thickness= 3mm
-2 Wood Fiberboard: 110*35mm. Thickness= 3mm
-1 Wood Fiberboard: 240mm*90mm. Thickness= 3mm
-2 Woods Fiberboard: A hexagon of 40 mm. Thickness= 3mm
The electronic components are:
-7 White LEDs
-7 Resistors of 220 Ω
-5 Jumper Cables
-1 Switch
-2 Servomotor
-1 Arduino NANO
Other materials:
-1 screw
First, you must define the type of lamp you want to create. Also, know what we want the lamp to do. In our case we decide that the lamp has to move constantly while is illuminating.
Second, you must make a list of the things you are using. This helps for to make more organized the things we want. With the list you can know the things you want to buy, how it is going to be the components and more details. Also, in this step you are going to decide what material is going to be the lamp.
Third, you must make sure how you want to do your lamp. With the measurement we gave you, make sketches that will help you to know how you want to do the lamp. What we did was making a sketch for every step for the construction of the lamp.
Fourth, now you must make a pseudocode and/or a flowchart of the programming. This will help you for knowing what the lamp is going to do. Also, is going to help you for the organization when you are programming.
Fifth, this step is essential for knowing where is going to plug in every component, how it has to be plug in and how it works.
Sixth, make a 3D modeling for making sure of the proportions and the measurement. In this step you will know how is going to look like your lamp.
Sixth, you must do a rapid prototype. This prototype must test the proportions of the electronic components. The rapid prototype will help you to know where you can put the electronic components. This step must be easy, not very elaborate, but you must do this part because it’s very important.
Seventh, do the programming. In this step you must have the pseudocode for knowing what is going to do each component. Here is the link of the programming code:
Nineth, make the assembly of all the electronic components. In this step you will know if the components you have are working. Also, to make sure if your programming is working before you make the final prototype.
The final prototype is the most important, but also the most difficult from our perspective. The first you are going to do is making all the holes that are needed. The second is the base. You must glue the box, that is the base. On the other hand, you must assemble the circle part, that is going to be moving with the servomotor. Third, the top. Now you must do the hexagon prism and assemble with the legs of the lamp with a screw and with the servomotor. Fourth, weld all the LEDs with the resistors and the jumper cables. Insert them on the holes of the hexagon and then glue the hexagon with the hexagon prism. Fifth, assemble the top with the base with a tough glue.
Some of the recommendation we can give you are:
- Don’t skip steps. Some of the step could be difficult but all of the steps are important. If you skip one, you won’t be able to do the next one.
- For making it more professional and more organized, instead of using the protoboard you can build the components on a PCB.