S8-D13 (Sadie)

by miller42406 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Screenshot 2024-05-24 233702.png

S8-D13 (or "Sadie" for short) is an 8th series-survey droid deployed during the Clone Wars and designed to record and transmit battlefield information back to the holo-tables on commanding Jedi bases and ships.


Sadie has a pivoting antenna for finding the best signal. Her entire upper half is mounted on a rotating base with rails to allow her to shift forward and backward, as well as swivel around for the best view. Her front and back legs are reinforced with powerful hydraulic cylinders to allow her to jump over obstacles, as well as get down really low to sneak through small spaces. Her two front legs have dual-plated durasteel shields to allow her to hide behind in case of heavy fire.


Despite the nature of her broadcasts, Sadie is kind-hearted and timid. She often uses the front two plates on her legs to hide behind when meeting new friends. When transmitting, she likes to stay as far away from the front lines as she can, while her antenna constantly twitch to get the right angle. Her three-wheel design allows her to zip around and get the best view of the field.

Designing this droid was a ton of fun. I spent just under a week modeling in Fusion 360 and had a small sketch I made to reference the overall look I was going for. I'm self-taught, so getting the design just right was a big challenge and I learned a lot! I tried to incorporate some familiar Star Wars references (like the comm-link on the side) while keeping the droid unique. I hope you enjoy! :)