Ryan Hall's Muscle Milk Pancakes - Breakfast of Olympians
by birddogpumpkins in Cooking > Breakfast
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Ryan Hall's Muscle Milk Pancakes - Breakfast of Olympians

Please read and please help! This instructable is special to me for a couple of reasons. First off, it features a good friend of mine Scott rider. Scott was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease quite some time ago and most recently had to stop working due to the progression of his symptoms. Being one of the strongest people I know this has not slowed him down one bit. He has now devoted much of his time raising awareness for Parkinson's which includes a YouTube channel documenting is battle and spreading his message of "I Will Never Quit" Scott has teamed up with a company that will donate money to the Parkinson's Foundation for every new subscriber to his YouTube channel. So please, if you could take the time to go to his channel and subscribe and maybe share it with your friends, it would mean the world to myself and Scott not to mention there are a lot of great inspiring videos to check out.
Secondly, the recipe for this instructable came from one of the best marathon runners of all time and former two time Olympian Ryan Hall. Scott, being a former professional runner connected with Ryan who graciously invited us out to his home in Flagstaff AZ to share some of his stories and spread the message of "I Will Never Quit". While we were spending time with Ryan he shared with us one of his favorite recipes for breakfast, Muscle Milk Pancakes
Ingredients you will need;
- 1/2 Cup Teff Flour
- Dash of Sea Salt
- 3 Tbs Natural Unsweetened Baking Cocoa Powder
- 1 Scoop of Muscle Milk (or other protein powder)
- 1 Tsp Baking Powder
- A Couple Drops of Natural Sweetener
- Water
Exercise and Nutrition

Exercise and nutrition are important for everyone but for someone living with Parkinson's it is absolutely critical. Scott always says that these two things can make all of the difference in the world and if you don't make both a priority it will make your struggle that much worse. So when Ryan shared his recipe with Scott he knew it had to be good, incredibly nutritious, and an amazing fuel for your workouts. So...on to the pancakes!
Making the Pancakes
This is incredibly simple, if you have made pancakes before you are halfway there.
1. Assemble all of the ingredients listed in the intro and grab a whisk and a big mixing bowl.
2. Add all of the ingredients except the water to the bowl and blend together.
3. Start to add water slowly to the mixture until the right consistency is reached. This can be based on personal preference but if you are unsure I go with the consistency of a smoothie or milkshake.
4. Once you have the right texture and have all the lumps blended out, fire up a nonstick pan or griddle to a medium high heat and pour out the batter to the desired size pancake.
5. Let this cook till you see bubbles start to form on the surface of the pancake then slip a spatula under the pancake and test if its ready to flip.
6. Flip the pancake to the other side and cook for another 5 minutes or so.
7. Enjoy!
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you try this out and enjoy. If there are any questions please feel free to post them in the comments and I will respond. Once again please take the time to subscribe to Scott's channel and share with your friends and family, It only takes a second and would mean a ton.