Russian Alphabet Puzzle

My Son of 3 years old (Dutch) has a massive crush on the Alphabet. Since he was very young he was focused on the alphabet. Now 3 years old, he can do A to Z in Dutch and English, but also for instance Z-A in Dutch and English (in rapid speed).
Since 2 weeks he started watching the Russian Alphabet on youtube, do not ask me why :-) and he very quickly picked up on it.
So what does a loving and caring father (with a CNC machine) do, make him of course an Alphabet Russian Puzzle :-)
Design and CNCing

I found a website that had the Russian Alfabet (as I do not even have a Russian keyboard) and cut-and-pasted this into Adobe Illustrator with a font that supports Cyrillic (not all fonts did).
In illustrator I converted the font to just lines and I used my favorite FREE 2D design software Draftsight to fix some of the letters (to make them one piece), like the 2 small dots on the E.
I used a sheet of 75cm x 75cm of 3mm triplex wood to cut everything out. I used a 1mm bit on my CNC so I can use the left over wood as the main puzzle board, and with a 1mm cap between the letters and the puzzle board, the letters will easily fit in. I cut out a button board of the same size (40xm x 35cm), spray painted it red and spray painted the letters blue. I did this on the left over wood.
From the left over wood I designed a simple box, to keep the letters in. And I thought it looked cool with the outline of the letters on it.
You can download the DXF files from thingiverse: