Rowing Machine - Wall Edition
This rowing machine takes almost no space and is decent alternative for small apartments like mine.
Round weights - different gross weights
Plastic canalization pipe - 1 meter in length (or more), 14 cm in diameter (or more)
Pipe holder - 14 cm in diameter (or more - depends on a size of pipe)
Rope - 10 meters in length, strong
Three rope sheaves, one with bracket
Wooden handle
Pad for soothing the weights
Drilling machine
1 We start with fixing the pipe on the wall with a pipe holder: we drill a hole approximately 0,5 m from the floor on a place where the pipe will stand, insert a wall plug and attach a pipe holder on which we fasten the pipe.
2 Above the pipe (approx: 0,3 m) we fasten the first sheave on the wall
3 In the same height and 1 m to the side (or more - depends on furniture in apartment) we fasten second sheave
4 Under the second sheave, approx. 0,3 m above the floor we fasten third sheave (with bracket)
5 On one side of the rope we make a knot with a small stick, big enough to hold round weights - this side of the rope goes into the pipe
6 We lead other side of the pipe through first, second and third sheave
7 On this side of the rope we fixate wooden handle.