Round Wood Frame

I did a round painting and then realized I would have to make a round frame for it as getting a custom round wood frame made would be super expensive. This circle frame only cost me $6 for the pine 2"x6" which is AMAZING!
Up Cut Spiral Bit (highly recommended):
Straight Bit:
Biscuit Joiner:
Prep Your Frame

I used 1 8ft 2"x6" for this project. Keep in mind though that if the piece you're inserting in your frame is larger than mine or you want a thicker frame, you'll need wider lumber.
I cut all my pieces the SAME length using the mitre saw.
I applied wood glue to both sides of each seam.
I wanted the seams on my frame to look a bit more natural so I arranged my wood so that seams went in a sweeping circular motion (bottom)as opposed to them all being parallel and sticking straight out (top).
You can also cut your wood to form a hexagon or an octagon to make your frame and get less waste, but I wanted to keep it simple and avoid cutting and clamping those weird angles.
I clamped them and let them dry.

I screwed down some scrap wood I had to prevent the frame from moving around while I was trying to router it.
Then I screwed down my centre piece that my circle jig is going to attach to and found its centre.
The first cut you're going to make is the inner circle which is the diameter of your piece -1".
Your second cut is going to be your rabbet. You can use a rabbet bit for this if you've got one or your straight bit that you used to cut the inner circle.
Your last cut is going to be the diameter of your piece +1" to give you a 1" frame.
Once you've got the most inner circle cut you can cut the rabbet where your painting/mirror/piece will sit in.
Be sure to take multiple shallow passes for the best cut and to not damage your bit.

I wanted to reinforce and strengthen the wood seams so I used my biscuit jointer with #10 biscuits at each seam. I also thought they made the frame look a little fancier! :)
Then I used my hack saw to trim them once they were dry.
I used my disk sander to sand the outside, but you can just skip this part depending on the tools you have available.
Then I sanded it using a 120 grit pad on my orbital sander. You could also use a palm sander for this part.