Rope From Discarded Textiles
This is a project for The royal academy of art in The Hague, The Netherlands.
I developed a simple rope making machine that transforms discarded textile strips into a beautiful and rigid rope. As this project was only 20 weeks, I did not finish the project and was not done with experimenting yet. That is why I invite everyone to join this project and come up with applications for the rope!
You will need:
* Woodglue * M6 nuts (9x) * M6 eye bolt 60mm shaft * 3-5mm rope * 30mm screws (6x) * (cordless) drill * lasercutter
Please Use This File to Lasercut All Parts
Assemble Rope Machine According to the Exploded View
Attach the Rope Machine to a Table Using Glue Clamps
Attach Securing Part to Table Also Using Glue Clamps
Attach Counterweight to the Securing Part and Bearing Part
Attach Textile Strips to Rope Making Machine
Attach Textile Strips to Bearing Part and Cut Off Access Strip
Attach Cordless Drill to the Rope Machine
Slide Divider Part Between the Strips
Start Spinning the Rope Until a 45 Degree Angle
Slowly Move Divider Part Towards Cordless Drill and See the Rope Form
Don't forget to tie off the rope with a piece of electrical tape to prevent unrafeling.