Robust Remote Toy Car

This instructables show how to use a metal sweet box make a robust remote toy car. Since It made from metal case and all parts hide in there, it is not easy to break even kids step on it.

Metal Sweet Box
Any metal sweet box that can fit in all component is ok, square box is better but not essential. P.S. the sweet in the box I bought (55 x 55 x 20 mm) is not taste good enough for me to recommend it :P
Small Motor
The motor I bought is actually come from the parts of Eyelash curler. It have a specialty cross shape axle, I accidentally found it have same form factor as Lego wheel! What a coincident!
It help me make a very small toy car, but it is now out of stock after I bought 10 :P
Lego part no. 59895 x2 and 4624 x2
8mm Steel Ball Omni Wheel
2 ball wheel for helping the toy car run smooth
ESP8266 Board
ESP-07 or ESP-12E is recommended.
DC/Stepper Motor drive Board
Any motor drive board that can support drive 2 bidirectional motors should be ok. I just have a TB6612FNG board in hand.
Lipo Battery
As large as possible that can fit in the box remaining space is recommended, depends what you have in hand
Soft EPE packing foam
I am making a robust toy car, so I need some shock absorption material. You can easy found it from the product packing.
Other Parts
A small switch for switching power; 2 pins female connector for connect external Lipo charger; some coated copper wire(color is not essential); a Lipo charger; a USB serial cable for initial program the ESP board.
Modify the Metal Sweet Box

All parts hide in the metal box, only the wheels expose a little bit at the bottom.
- measure your box, wheel and ball wheel
- remove the box cover and other parts for ease of drilling
- mark the wheel hole at the box bottom, 2 wheels and 2 ball wheels in diagonal
- drill the hole at small size drill first, say 2mm (drill thin metal plate by large size drill not easy to handle)
- enlarge the hole by a reamer
- use metal cutter cut out the wheel shape
- use a flat plier fold and hide the metal sharp part
Toy Car Suspension System

Metal case is strong, but motor, gear and wheel are weak. I use soft EPE packing foam to hold the wheels for absorb the shock.
- cut the foam fit into the metal case
- cut the ball wheel hole in diagonal
- test it can fit on the metal case
- install the Lego wheel to the motor
- cut out the space for the wheel and motor
- cut out the space for the battery
- test it can fit on the metal case again
Flash the ESP Board

Soldering Work

Power Unit
The toy car cannot fit the charge board, so only line out the charger pin header to connect external charger board
Lipo +ve -> charger pin header -> power switch -> Vcc
Lipo -ve -> charger pin header -> GND
cut the foam to install the pin header and switch
connect external charge board to charger pin header for test charging
Motor Drive Board
Vm pin -> Vcc
Vcc pin -> Vcc
GND pin -> GND
A01 pin -> right motor
A02 pin -> right motor
B02 pin -> left motor
B02 pin -> left motor
ESP Board
EN pin -> Vcc
GPIO14 pin -> motor drive PWMA pin GPIO12 pin -> motor drive AIN2 pin
GPIO13 pin -> motor drive AIN1 pin Vcc pin -> Vcc GPIO5 pin -> motor drive PWMB pin GPIO4 pin -> motor drive BIN2 pin GPIO2 pin -> motor drive BIN1 pin GPIO15 pin -> GND GND pin -> GND
Happy Playing!

This video show how to use a simple program drive this toy car.
If you found motor in wrong direction, simply reverse (leftpin1 and leftpin2) or (rightpin1, rightpin2) definition.
Happy programming!