Robotic Arm for a Fidget Spinner

by nr346 in Circuits > Arduino

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Robotic Arm for a Fidget Spinner

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As a way to touch back to my middle school days, and have something for a class project, I built a robotic arm that would spin a fidget spinner in different directions depending on the press of a button or flick of a switch

Create the Base

Make a base of the same dimensions (5” x 7” x 5/16”) or smaller as the tan base in figure 3 using cardboard or any hard surface.

Attach the Spinner

Get your fidget spinner, a wood screw, and a drill and drill down the fidget spinner to the base. Make sure to have a screw or some type of small, circular divider to separate the fidget from the base so it can spin. 

Craft Small Arm

Begin to craft the small arm, and the large arm, out of cardboard or hard plastic.

Assemble Motors for Big Arm

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You should have one motor at the bottom of the big arm and they will be connected by taking one of the screws in the motor bag and screwing in the motor to the big arm using a screwdriver. 

Assemble Second Motor for Big Arm

For the second motor, you will place it atop the big arm. You will fasten it by taking one of your zip ties and putting it through the two holes on the rectangle part of the big arm. Tighten the zip tie until the motor feels stable.

Assemble Motor for Small Arm

Take your small arm, figure 2, and take another screw from the motor bag. Place the screw through the hole seen in the small arm and connect the arm to the motor using the screw. Similarly to the way you’ve done it for the big arm. 

Position Small Arm

Now that you have the two arms connected to each other, start to position the jointed arm in a way where the small arm will hit the fidget spinner.

Place Arms on the Base

Once you've settled on the perfect placement, put two holes close to both sides of the motor connected to the bottom of arm 1. The holes should be one in front of the other not next to each other. You should have 4 holes in total, two to the left of the bottom motor and two to the right. 

Connect to Base and Finish

Using two zip ties secure the bottom motor to the base by connecting one right hole to one left hole and then do that again.