Robot Out of Cardboard

In this instructable I will show you how to make a robot out of cardboard

Markers or paint
Duct tape
Making the Face

First get a cardboard box and take it apart. Then cut out the face and draw the eyes and a mouth.
Making the Body

Get a long piece of cardboard (as long as your robots body is going to be) and tape it to the back of the robot head. Then cut another thicker piece ( not bigger than the robot's head) and stick it on to the thin cardboard attached to the robot's head.
Adding the Arms

In this step you are going to make the arms. Please note that he was just my luck that I found the shape of the arms. If you can't find a shape like that you can cut it out. The arms should be movable.
Making the Legs and the Final Step

Cut two long pieces of cardboard both the same length (these will be your legs) there should be a little gap in the torso like the image above stick your two legs into the torso and then tape it down. Now that you are finished you can decorated the robot 🤖 with paint or markers.