Robot Monster Legs: Space Saving Art!

by PaulMakesThings in Living > Decorating

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Robot Monster Legs: Space Saving Art!

robot nintendo.JPG
Robot toaster.JPG
robot printer.JPG
Robot frame top.JPG
robot frame bottom.JPG
I originally made these for a compact mini PC. They make any appliance (or other object) that is about the size of a toaster into a fearsome looking walker, and at the same time, they allow you to use the space underneath!

Everyone who sees this in my home says the same thing after saying how weird, creepy or awesome they think it is; "don't those pointy feet scratch stuff up?" The answer is that they are melted round on the points using the welder but, yes, they could if it's a soft surface. If you're going to put this on a delicate surface put flat plates on the feet. It is made of scrap metal, and I encourage you to creatively use whatever scrap metal you have on hand if you choose to use this idea. Maybe rod legs with round plate feet, or square tube legs with valve heads for feet.