Robot Hand

by dboudrea6080 in Circuits > Arduino

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Robot Hand

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in this instructable I will be teaching your step by step how to make a robotic hand.


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Styrofoam, elastic bands, fishing line, knife, sowing needle, paper clips, hot glue gun, needle nose plyers, sharpie, stick, sensors, an Arduino and a computer

Drawing and Cutting the Hand and Fingers

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step one is to trace your fingers, palm and a little bit of your forearm on the Styrofoam. then cut out your fingers and palm according to the drawing.

Cutting the Joints So the Finger Can Move

after you have cut all the fingers it is now time to cut the joints on them for the pointer, middle, ring and pinky you will need to cut two times one per joint, you will need to put the Styrofoam up to your finger and copy where that line is on your finger once that is copied cut on a 45 degree angle on each joint. now for the finger you only have to cut one joint.

Sowing the Fingers

now that you have all the fingers and joints cut you will now need a sowing needle and fish line to sow the fingers on to the palm by sowing the fingers on the palm and through paper clips so the fishing line cannot move.

Putting Elastics on the Hand

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after you have put all the fingers on the palm you can now use the hot glow gun to glue the elastic bands to the back of the fingers so that the finger joints can move for when the servos are put on.

Coding the Servos

in order to code your servos you will need 5 servos (one for each finger) you will also need an arduino. now you need to go to tinker cad and put in this code: (Pinch)

#include <Servo.h> //include the servo library

Servo thumb; //create a servo for the thumb

Servo pointer; //create a servo for the pointer

Servo middle; //create a servo for the middle

Servo ring; //create a servo for the ring

Servo pinky; //create a servo for the pinky

void setup()


 thumb.attach(9); //plugged into pin 9


 pointer.attach(5); //plugged into pin 5


 middle.attach(11); //plugged into pin 11


 ring.attach(10); //plugged into pin 10


 pinky.attach(6); //plugged into pin 6



void loop()


 thumb.write(50); //turn servo to 50º


 pointer.write(50); //turn servo to 50º


 middle.write(0); //turn servo to 0º


 ring.write(0); //turn servo to 0º


 pinky.write(0); //turn servo to 0º


Attaching the Servos

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once you have the code downloaded cut holes in the wrist for the servos to sit in. once this is done attach the fishing line to the servos, once that is done the fingers should now move by themselves when you press start.