
ROBO EMPOTO is a very curious and emotion robot. While in fact useless by nature, ROBO is destined for greater purpose of material manipulation.
1x Micro controller (Arduino Uno)
1x L293D DC Motor Drive Shield Stepper Motor Drive Shield
1x Half+ bread board
1x 16x2 row LCD screen
4x AA battery + case
4x DC motor
1x chasse
1x 1000k Potentiometer
1x Passive Buzzer
Many DuPont wires
Assemble the Chassis

The first step is to assemble the chassis, which include wheels, motors and the body of chassis.
Assemble the Electronic Parts and Connect to Wires

Connect the parts according to the diagram in the picture
Give ROBOT EMOTO a Voice

int buzzerPin = A3;
int maximum = 100;
int buzzDuration = 50;
void setup() {
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
void randSound(int maximum){
NewTone(buzzerPin, random(maximum, 10*maximum),buzzDuration);
noNewTone(buzzerPin); }
void Loop () {
ROBO EMOTO Wants a Face to Express Itself

there are in total 3 custom made lcd faces for the robo emoto. A happy face, a poker face and a sad face. In order to achieve this, we need to make a few custom characters as well as using some of the built in characters as shown in the image
​ROBO EMOTO Is Curious and Wants to Bump Into Things
Using the same sensor as the buzzer and the LCD screen, ROBO continues to move forward until it is about to bump into and object. It does this through the readings of the ultrasonic sensor. once it is too close, it stops its motors, turns around, and continues to move forward.
Now Watch ROBO EMOTO Go!

Now watch it go!