Riding Push Mower

I have always wanted to make a riding push mower, but never had the tools or the extra mower. Until now. Introducing the very first DoStuffRight Riding Push Mower. This can be used to mow the lawn or ride down the street to show off to the neighbors.
DO NOT ATTEMPT AT HOME without knowing the risks. Know the risks.
Get Materials

All you need is:
A bicycle,
A mower with a strong self propelled,
A welder,
And some redneck ingenuity.
Prepare Bike

All I did to the bike was take the back tire off.

Be careful with this one. Be sure to wear gloves and a helmet. Depending on numerous factors, placement of the bike varies. For the welding I used a $60 100 amp ARC welder, or if you don't want to spend the money, you could make a welder from a microwave at your OWN RISK, just saying...
The most important part of any moving vehicle is brakes. The brakes on this mower is very complicated. What you do when you want to stop is put your feet down. That's it! Really!
Test Drive

Words can't describe how this rides, but a video can. Watch this video to see. Don't forget to vote for me!! The button is on the top right corner, it is medal shaped. Note: if you are a mobile device and cannot watch the video, go to this direct youtube link:
There has been some concern of safety, first off DO NOT DO THIS AT HOME, second, there is no blade on this mower. Seriously, I am not responsible for anything that occurs. I have been doing these things for years and I know the risk. If you are not willing to take a risk or know the risks, DO NOT ATTEMPT because this is dangerous.
If you want to help me out with my inventions, please leave a comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel DoStuffRight Instructions.
Don't forget to do stuff right!