Reverse Engineering- Vacuum Cleaner - 1B Grp 4
by KEAprojects in Living > Cleaning
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Reverse Engineering- Vacuum Cleaner - 1B Grp 4
This is a Vacuum Cleaner from Nilfisk - Model Action Plus Special
Open Lid
Open the lid of the front and remove the extra pieces
Open the Whole Front
You open the front and take out the bag, remove the rubber band, and screw out the bag holder
Open the Rear
Open the rear, take out the filters and unscrew the holders
Remove the Rubber
Remove the rubber band at the hose connection point and pull out the opener in the front
Pull Out the Wheels
Take out the screw inside the wheels, and pull the wheels off. Use force if necessary
Take Off the Top Shelter
Take off the top shelter. Push the hinges to the side, to be able to get it out
Take Out the Screws
There's one at the top, two at the bottom and two inside of it
Take Out the Cable Holder
Open the top and take out the two screws. Pull the screw out, to be able to seperate it from the cable. (There is a hole you can pull it out of)
Remove the Suction Power Controler
Screw out the technology, then the controller part itself. Pull it out
Remove Cables From Power Switch
Remove the cables from the power switch, to be able to get the motor out
Remove the Upper Rear
Remove the upper rear. Then pull off the buttons for power and cable pull. Then you screw out the screws that hold the plastic case. Pull it off. Lastly you remove the power connector, it may require some force
Remove the Power Cable
Remove the cable, by removing the power connection first. You do that just by pressing the cable holder aside, and pulling cables out. It is not screwed into anything
Disassemble the Cable Pull
Take off the pull button first. You do that by screwing it off. Screw out the screw that holds the steel band and it's cover together. Then pull both apart.
Remove the wire from the cable, then remove the cable. Remove the cable holder last
Pull Out the Motor
The motor is not connected to anything, so you can freely pull it out
Take Out the Last Screws
Screw out the last screws and remove the rubber pieces
Disassembling the Motor - Step 1
Take away the plastic by taking out the screws, then pull it apart, and pull the rubber off at the front afterwards. You can now freely extract the motor.
Disassembling the Motor - Step 2
Remove the cables from the motor. Screw out the technology, and pull it out of the plastic. Remove the foam from the plastic. Then screw the cables off the motor directly.
Disassembling the Motor - Step 3
Hold the motor core with a pair of pliers, to be able to remove the nut at the top. Carefully open the motor case with a chisel and hammer. Remove the front housing, turbine blade and plastic air conduction piece. Then pull out the motor core and hammer the turbine piece out. Then remove the steel wire and metal.
Remove the Steel Wire
Remove the steel wire by pulling it off, either with force or by slowly following the pattern the opposite way. When done so, you can take off the plastic and metal, by carefully moving the plastic grips on the sides.
Count All the Pieces
Put all the pieces in order, and count them all
Weigh It
Weigh all the pieces
Cut Pieces in Half
Cut the top and bottom shelter in half, to get a full view of both sides. They both matter
Set up the concluded the design of the group and measure the necessary size needed
Cut the Boards
Make two different boards. One for the motor, and one for the shell (Use the table saw)
Line It Up
Line everything up, to get an overview of the product.
Put Wires Into Tubes
Put wires into tubes to show the path of electronics
Glue all parts onto the board following the concluded design and hammer in seams to make things become more visible
Make a Headline of Screws
To be creative and give the board a name: S.M.D. ( Suck My Dust)
Wood Holders
First measure the parts you want to place on wooden holders, then sketch some sturdy holders. Cut the holders with a band-saw.
Use a chisel to cut out space for the wood holders
Glue and Set
Glue the motor parts onto the wood and glue the wood onto the board into their specific space
Create a Wooden "box" - Step 1
First use the website: and use the settings described in picture one. Then press the "Generate Laser Cutter Case Plans" button. Then use the settings described in picture two.
Create a Wooden "box" - Step 2
Use Adobe Illustrator (or equivalent program) to draw rounded rectangles inside the pieces of the box you need, remove one of the sides of the box so you have 5 parts; 3 long pieces and 2 square ones. the distance from the rectangle to the outer edge is 10mm on the top and sides, but 20mm in the bottom.
Create a Wooden "box" - Step 3
Choose the cut through feature on your laser printer, and send the file to print. Use the 3mm wooden plate preset for the printer and click start. Then wait for the machine to cut out the pieces. Finally identify the pieces and assemble the "box".