Retro Metallic Snowflake

A simple way to experience the beauty of your tree while catching glints of light naturally!
Organize Materials

5 - 12" metallic pipe cleaners
lightweight needlenose pliers/wire cutters
Cut two of the pipe cleaners into thirds (apx 4" each)
lightweight needlenose pliers/wire cutters
Cut two of the pipe cleaners into thirds (apx 4" each)
Fold All Sections in Half

Connect the 3 Largest Sections by Twisting Them Together in the Center

Twist Each of the Shorter Pieces Apx 1" (or the Width of Your Thumb) From Center

Twist the Adjacent Shorter Points Together

Trim the Untwisted Length 3" From End. Fold Each of the Cut Pieces in Half

Twist Each of the Shorter Pieces Around the Remaining Arms. Now Go Decorate!