Rescue Training Dummy
This may seem odd, but I needed a rescue dummy to train with, Finding these things to be crazy expensive I opted to make my own.
Materials used:
Inflatable Costume Mannequin (look on Amazon)
Small pair of coveralls
Play sand
Gorilla tape and athletic tape.
Flexible Electrical conduit
Foam pipe insulation
Nylon cable ties
The Build
I sewed all the pockets and cuffs shut on the coveralls.
I made an opening in the vinyl dummy with a soldering iron,
Wrap the flexible conduit with the pipe insulation and zip tie it together to make a rough skeleton. The skeleton makes the dummy handle a little more like a person, it also reinforces the dummy when picking it up under the arms or by the arms.
Fit the skeleton into the dummy, then fill the thing with sand. I used three bags for about 150 pounds. I dont think I can get any more sand into the dummy. You can make it heavier by wetting the sand...
Pull the dummy shut and seal it up with Gorrilla tape. I reinforced the dummy with athletic tape. Wrap it up good, you don't want it bursting open.
Fit the dummy into the coveralls.
Last Notes
Watch the dummy for wear- Reinforce the coveralls with duct-tape, or fit the dummy (coveralls and all) into new coveralls before it wears through the vinyl dummy.
My total cost was about $50. This is a fraction of the cost of a commercial rescue dummy.