Repairing a Garmin Extrex 30 GPS

by Kevin85 in Outside > Survival

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Repairing a Garmin Extrex 30 GPS

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GPS damage area.jpg

My Garmin gps has seen a lot of use and the most commonly used buttons had the covers break. This leaves the unit open to damage from the environment. Also the micro buttons are set deep inside the unit and are difficult to use like this.


Damaged GPS unit

2 zip ties

1.25" slice of a 26" mountain bike inner tube

box cutter

diagonal snips

Optional: silicone sealant

Tools and Materials

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zip ties ready.jpg

  1. Gather the materials.
  2. Remove the hand strap from the gps unit.
  3. Snip the square ends off the zip ties.

The Fix

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  1. Take the square ends you removed from the zip ties and insert 1 each into the holes. The micro buttons are thin and horizontal so I turn my zip tie ends so the slot is not aligned with the micro buttons. This keeps the micro buttons from sticking into the zip tie pieces.
  2. Take the piece of inner tube and place it around the gps unit to hold the zip tie buttons in place. This will also help protect the unit from the elements.
  3. Optional, you may want to use some silicone sealant around the buttons to help protect the unit from water.

Nearly Done

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  1. Using the utility knife, poke two holes through the inner tube at the base of the unit.
  2. Replace the hand strap.
  3. I found it easiest to pull a piece of thread through the unit first, then use that to pull the hand strap through.


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Your gps unit is now ready for use again.