Renovative: Ball Machine Elements
by Knexified in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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Renovative: Ball Machine Elements

Ball Storage
This is your ordinary chain lift. It has been changed, tested and replaced only a couple of times. It is nothing fancy, but just regular. Please note: Sometimes it is very hard to make a chain lift, so always have backup ideas in mind for when the lift does not work.
The starter ( what I call it ) is the beginning of the balls journey through this big ball machine. This element has a short slide then a green flexi rod slide. This element is designed to give the ball a little force before moving on.
Path Switcher

You all know the basic purpose of the path switcher and what it does. This path switcher has a small chance that it will stay on that path 1-2 times. Trust me, I've tested it and it happened couple of times.
Drop-and-roll! Path 1

This is my Drop-and-roll! knex element. It is kind of like a dropper, but afterwards, it rolls on, on the element! Thas how it work!
Hole Drop, Path 2

It drops through a hole and drops onna wheel dropper and heads to the lift. Simple.
Push Up Lift: Path 2

Although this is a lift, this is an ending-type lift, meaning a lift at the end of the path.