Renovative: Ball Machine Elements

by Knexified in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Renovative: Ball Machine Elements

Hello fellow builders! I just thought that after I posted my new ball machine Renovative, I would put up the elements that I used for this ball machine. Hope you enjoy!

Ball Storage

This element is only somewhat of a ball machine element. Its not really part of any path, but its used for storing the balls away when you finish the days worth of ball machine entertainment.


Basic tracks of the usual, that's all.....with the usual yellow 5-way connectors, blue rods, green rods, and rarely any white rods.



This is your ordinary chain lift. It has been changed, tested and replaced only a couple of times. It is nothing fancy, but just regular. Please note: Sometimes it is very hard to make a chain lift, so always have backup ideas in mind for when the lift does not work.



The starter ( what I call it ) is the beginning of the balls journey through this big ball machine. This element has a short slide then a green flexi rod slide. This element is designed to give the ball a little force before moving on.

Path Switcher


You all know the basic purpose of the path switcher and what it does. This path switcher has a small chance that it will stay on that path 1-2 times. Trust me, I've tested it and it happened couple of times.

Drop-and-roll! Path 1


This is my Drop-and-roll! knex element. It is kind of like a dropper, but afterwards, it rolls on, on the element! Thas how it work!

Hole Drop, Path 2


It drops through a hole and drops onna wheel dropper and heads to the lift. Simple.

Push Up Lift: Path 2


Although this is a lift, this is an ending-type lift, meaning a lift at the end of the path.

Thas All!

I hope you enjoyed and will see you guys ''knex'' time in my next Instructables! Bye for now!