Remove Pop Noise on TPA3116d2 Amplifier

by MrSottong in Circuits > Audio

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Remove Pop Noise on TPA3116d2 Amplifier


So on my YouTube channel, I reviewed the TPA3116d2 V1 amplifier. I think the amplifier has a pretty good sound. but there is a problem with this amplifier when it is turned on. When turned on, this amplifier emits annoying pop noise. this problem is also experienced by my subscribers. Therefore, in this article I will solve this problem by creating a "delay on" module.

Cause of Pop Noise

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Pop noise on the amplifeir TPA3116d2 V1 is due to the instantaneous voltage at the output (Picture 1 & 2). This instantaneous voltage can be eliminated by giving logic High to the Mute IC pin.

The function of the delay module that I made is to provide High logic for a moment on the mute pin, so that the output does not work and the instantaneous voltage will be lost. After that the delay module will provide logic low so that the output can function again (Picture 3).

Componen Required

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The components used are SMD and some are trough holes. The following are the components required:

  • SMD Component :
    • 1* Resistor 100k
    • 1* Resistor 22k
    • 1* Transistor PNP BC857
  • Trough Hole Component :
    • 2* Male Header 1P
    • 1* Capacitor 10uF/35V
    • Cable

Schematic and Layout

Skema Anti Pop Noise.png
Layout Anti Pop Noise.png

You can see the schematic and layout in the image above. For this schematic and layout, I desigh using eagle application. For the original file, you can download it below.

Make PCB Fabrication

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For PCB results with good quality. I use PCBWay services to make this PCB. What is needed for this process is the gerber file of the layout design. Here are the steps to order a PCB at PCBWay :

  1. Visit the website:
  2. Click PCB Instant Quote
  3. Click quick-order PCB
  4. Upload the gerber file by clicking "+Add Gerber File" and wait until the gerber file is finished uploading
  5. Set the PCB specifications as you wish, starting from the number of PCBs, the number of layers, thickness, color and others.
  6. After that, look at the left, it will display the estimated cost, processing time and delivery service selected.
  7. Click Save to cart

Inserting Component

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Inserting components according to the image above

Assembly Step

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Here are the steps for attaching the delay module to amplifeir:

  • Attach the Delay Module to the Blue Terminal block (Picture 1)
  • connect the Delay Module output cable to R20 and R29 (Picture 2)
  • The final result can roughly be seen in the image above. (Picture 3)


Screenshot (24).png

The module and amplifier are installed, now is the time for the test

In the first test, I turned on the amplifier without music. While in the second test, I will play music from the line in before this amplifier is turned on.

Here are the test results :

  • The first test: The module works as expected, pop noise no longer appears when the amplifier is turned on
  • Second test: After the module is turned on, there is a pause for a few seconds before the music starts. This means that the module works as expected

The Result

Cara Mengatasi Suara Jedug TPA3116d2 Versi 1 | @PCBWAy

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