Recycled Easter Egg Holder
I made eggs for Easter, but didn't have anything to hold them in. After digging through my garage, I had the perfect idea.
Children under the age of 45 should have an older
guardian watching them while attempting this project
Children under the age of 45 should have an older
guardian watching them while attempting this project
All that you will need is: scissors, a plastic water bottle, and I recommend a screwdriver.
Removing That White Thing...
This is why we need a screw driver. Use the screw driver to pry that thing off.
The Holder
Most bottles have a funnel-shaped top. That will be your holder. Cut it off and the end of the funnel shape (see picture). Just tear at it with the scissors until you have a slit and keep cutting from that slit.
Even It Out
Now even out the cut you just made. This step is self-explanatory, that means no blurry pictures.
Wash your almost-finished product, also self-explanatory.
Insert egg..... not much else to say.
This was my first instructable. Please let me know what I should do better in future 'ibles.
This was my first instructable. Please let me know what I should do better in future 'ibles.