Recycle Handwarmer / Heater Incl. Autodesk Inventor Image

by Martijn_huis in Workshop > Energy

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Recycle Handwarmer / Heater Incl. Autodesk Inventor Image

ray tracing.jpg
For this instructable I'm going to make a hand warmer / small heater,
I'm building it out of recycled materials and a tea candle. I chose the cylinder because it fits a candle
and is designed to give off access heat. This means that the heat of the candle(about 47 Watt's) is distributed
over a larger surface instead of just going up. The exhaust and intake port will provide the air intake and the gap between the cylinder and head as well as the spark plug hole, will provide the air outlet. 
The total cost me €12,50,- this was mostly because of paint thinner and paint, so you can probably make this for about €5,- 

You are going to need: 
Old/broken moped cylinder
Old/broken moped cylinder head
A peace of wood
Four M6 threads
Eight M6 bolts and washers
Paint thinner (environmentally friendly)  
Black spray paint 

A pair of hands
Drill including 6 mm wood-drill bit
Two 10 mm spanners
Wood milling tool
(wire threader) 

The image shows the drawing of the device. I made this in Autodesk Inventor 2013(student edition). 

Step 1: Removing the Edges

First of all you will need to remove the edges of the cylinder.
In order to do this, place the cyclinder in a vice and remove the edges 
with an angle grinder.

BE CAREFUL! Ware glasses and make sure the safety cap in installed!

Step 2: Size the Wood

Take a peace of scrap wood and saw it to the correct size. 
I used plywood and sawed it to 15 by 15 cm. (or 6" by 6").

Place the cylinder in the middle of the wood and use a screwdriver to
mark out the holes for the threads. 

Step 3: Forming the Base

Drill out the marked holes for the thread using a 6 mm drill bit.
After this, you can clean out the holes using the sovereign tool. 

If this is completed, use the wood mill to make the edges of the base look nice.
Make sure to test the milling tool on a different peace of scrap wood to make sure everything is set up properly!

Step 4: Finishing Up the Base

To finish up the base of the heater, 
sand the surface smooth and apply some finisher of lacker to the wood to give it
a nice "old' look. 

Step 5: Paint the Cylinders

The cylinder was suppose to be black, but it wasn't any more, therefore
I decided tot paint the cylinder and the cylinder head black. First, clean off all the dirt of
the cylinder and head using paint thinner. Then spray paint them black en leave them to dry.
Tip: You can also use environmentally friendly paint thinner. 

Step 6: Threading

Inserting the threads,

For my heater I bought four threads only to find out that the thread was not long enough to 
secure the cylinder. If this occurs, place the threads in a vice and use the threader to lengthen the threads. 
(I needed to ad about 2,5 cm or 1"). This is a nice way to fill your time while the paint dry's. 

Step 7: Putting Everything Together

No for the best step, putting the hole thing together, 
place the threads in the wood and secure the bottom part with nuts and washers, 
place the cylinder over the threads and secure is as well. 
Then put the candle inside the cylinder and place the cylinder head on top. 

You can light the candle with a match threw the exhaust port.
I secured the cylinder but not the cylinder head. This because I figured you don't want to be screwing en unscrewing every time you place a new candle. 

The Result

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With everything dried and ready to go, I decided to give it a go, 
and.. IT WORKS! 

The heat from the candle heats up the cylinder head first, and after about 15 minutes the cylinder itself start heating up as well.
After about 30 minutes the cylinder head heat up to about 40 degrees Celsius. (About 100 degrees Fahrenheit).
The cylinder is a bit cooler but still a respectable 25-30 degrees Celsius (85 degrees Fahrenheit).
... Not bad for a tea light. 

The images show the end result and the Inventor assembly.
I have to say it looks a lot like the design :-)

Thanks for viewing my design, if you make one yourself make sure to send me a picture